Installation of the SCROG method in Cannabis
SCROG netting is a cannabis growing technique popular with growers for its ability to produce large harvests. It is use to increase the number of flowers produced by a plant by creating a delimited area where the plants develop their ramifications.
Before installing a SCROG netting, the appropriate space for the crops should be prepare. The direction of the area should be identified to ensure that the plants receive sufficient sunlight and that the netting is well ventilated. The netting material should then be place. Plastic or barbed wire is often use. Make sure the wire is tightly fitted and the plastic is stretched according to the surface area under the frame. Once the mesh is install, the plants need to be care for. Branches growing through the mesh material should be tied back a couple of times a week. This will help keep them under control in size and will help the plant develop even better.
During cultivation, it is necessary to turn the reflectors on and off periodically while the SCROG netting is growing
Depending on the amount of sunlight received by the plants, the light schedule may change. As well as the placement of the netting. To purchase the best SCROG mesh for your crop, it is important to identify your needs. If a larger crop is desire, then a screen with more strips will be need. Many times it can be useful to have a larger mesh size, with widths of 1.4m. This will allow the plants to grow closer to the light for better yields.

At the end of the process, it is advisable to allow the plants to fully cure. This means removing all debris from the installation, including the SCROG mesh. The mesh should be clean with a soap and water solution and allow to dry before storage.
Harvesting the cannabis plants correctly is the last step. The most productive harvests can be obtain by saving and taking care of the crops with the SCROG netting; based on the proper processes during all stages. Some plants will reach their largest size if the flowering buds are carefully cut at the right time. It will also be better to remove yellow leaves to improve the amount of flowers produced. So, after learning how to install SCROG mesh for your cannabis crop. You should start with the care of the plant to get a productive harvest.
Tools required for SCROG netting installation
To install a SCROG mesh, the materials needed are: a sturdy frame with sufficient capacity to support the total weight, wires to hold the mesh, screws, fasteners, wire mesh, flowers (to end the use of frame), and wire clips to hold the mesh. Additional machinery and installation materials may be occasional or necessary, depending on the cultivation configuration chosen.
Let’s start with the frame. A good starting point is to choose a sturdy platform capable of supporting the total weight of the crop before using the trellis installation materials. Some growers prefer a high-strength fiberglass material, which better withstands all the pressure that the support wires will receive. The design and material of the platform should consider the impact that the stems and twigs will have on the mesh when the plant is ready to harvest.
Once the platform is ready, the next step is to determine the location and fasten the wires (in a grid configuration).
If the use of screws and fasteners would not be affect by the platform structure. It is possible to use these components to secure the support wires. The grid structure should cover the entire surface without leaving any unoccupied spac. However the spaces between each of the lateral lines should be sufficient to allow for comfortable movement of air and light and the plant should have enough space for the full range of motion needed.

With the wires ready, we move on to the next component of the SCROG mesh, the wire mesh. There are different variants of wire mesh on the market, each with its own qualities for different applications. It is recommend to carry a 4 to 8 inch galvanized mesh. This mesh has flexible panels, which facilitates the adjustment for different shapes and dimensions of the frame, as well as the fixation of the mesh and wire thicknesses. Also: UV-resistant mesh is recommend to resist the adverse effects of ultraviolet light, as well as a mesh with sufficient reinforcement to achieve greater bending strength and permanence.
Once the mesh is select, be sure to decorate the mesh with decorative plants or flowers. These serve as additional mulch that prevents the mesh from conforming to the foliage as the plant begins to digest the screen. The planting process checks fouling the roots with mesh flower design, which will prevent the mesh from bending or moving. In addition to this, some growers prefer their flowers to complement their growing environment.
Finally, we return to the fasteners and clips for the lath
These elements play an elementary role in securing the lath to the platform and achieving the desired development. These clips are made of strong steel, which makes them virtually indestructible and highly resistant to erosion. In addition, these clips, in conjunction with screws, are attached to the frame to guarantee greater resistance when pulling the foliage.
The SCROG netting is a cannabis cultivation technique with great results if the correct steps are take. Among the materials needed to install it are: a frame with sufficient capacity to support the total load of the crop, fastening wires, screws, fasteners, wire mesh, lengths of flower to finish with the use of frame, and wire clips to fasten the mesh. These materials together form a conclusive solution for the cultivation scenario achieving the highest yields and quality.
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